I have to post some photos to show the quilting I did, so here are a collection that I took while I had the quilt up on the display stand outside -

Since I posted the story of each block as I made it, I'll just talk about my quilting choices.

Some of the blocks got feathers, some got straight lines, some got a combination. And some were just stitched in the ditch of the piecing lines.

When there was a distinct background that I didn't want to play up with straight lines, I used a basic machine-quilting meander. Larger flower motifs that were fussy cut were quilted as though they had been appliqued.

I'll finish this series with this closest crop. The quilting in the sashing strips was the trickiest thing I did. Long diagonal lines (actually quilted in a zig-zag pattern back and forth) are just challenging. There's a meander fill between the two lines, which are spaced about 1/2 inch apart.

I took a photo of the quilt label when I checked to see if I could fit it in my rolling carry-on suitcase. It may not appear so, but there was actually some room to spare. However, my family had to see me in the same pair of bluejeans all weekend.

Laurie says the backing fabric, visible in the photo above, matches the bedroom paint color. I had not been upstairs in her beautiful home, just on the lower floor, so that was a happy choice.
Usually since we live away from family, I mail my quilts out. This time I wanted my own photo of the recipients with the quilt. Roger decided they should hold it up and recruited nephew Andrew to help. Andrew was lucky to get some height genes from his Mom.