My quilting partner Dorry came up with the idea of doing a New from Old Challenge some time back that I was very enthusiastic about. When Mary Kerr, the creator of one version of the concept, came to the Reston guild, Dorry was finally able to recruit other quilters to play along.
I forgot to take a photo of my starting point before starting in on it so I've covered over the center by pinning on a circle of paper to size -

I'm no expert, but these look to be 1930's era fabrics. I have to make some minor corrections to what I've done in the covered-up center because, as is often the case with blocks that were never made into a finished quilt, this one doesn't lie exactly flat. That made it difficult to decide what size the center circle would need to be. I have a solution for the flatness that does not involve redoing any of the original seams and even if the center was not exactly a circle when I started.
Dorry added to the challenge by asking us to use Blue in our 24 inch square
New from Old quilts, and she gave the challenge the name of June Bride, which we could use for inspiration - or not as we saw fit. I believe all the participants got Dresden Plates, though I don't remember how similar they are, and I don't know how many of us will be making these quilts. I've just started on mine and so far am having a great time picking unexpected fabrics to put with the Plate.